Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week 3

In my third observation, I found a couple of Diatoms. They were a yellow-brown color and in the shape of what I would consider a football. They had a center dot and no visible flagella. However, the internet said that if the Diatom was moving it was doing so due to the flagella. I also believe that I identified a Spirostomum. It was darker than most of the pictures of the other Spirostomum, but it was the closest thing that I could find. There were quite a few nematodes. They had very quick shaking motion that propelled them through the water. There was a fiber-like organism that wiggled its way through. As far as I could tell, it didn't seem to have any color; it was mostly clear.

I saw a rotofer; it was either the eugiena spyrogyra that I located last time or a new one. It looked the same, but seemed a slightly different color. I'm not sure that is enough to say for sure it was a second one. There is one organism that I have yet to identify. It is a brownish color and it is sort of an irregular shape. It dodges in and out of the dirt and other areas; it looks as if it is eating. There's nothing that I have found yet to further any research on it.

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